‘International UequalsU Day’

We have a dream!

Me, Peter, a.k.a. Peter Positieve / Mister Fluffy and Dado Garcia, a.k.a. Mister Chill, and ‘Proud & Happy’ #UequalsU couple have a dream, that there will be soon an ‘International #UequalsU Day’ to celebrate this fact.

We reached out to some a big organisations to make this dream come true. Of course we celebrate the fact of UequalsU everyday, together with so many other ‘discordant couples’ in the world and of course also people living with HIV, who are not in a relationship, but who are improving there health by having an undetectable viral load.

This ‘International UequalsU day’ would help enormously to promote the fact that, Undetectable is equal to Untranslatable and spread the word. International days are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity on a global and national scale

We launched the idea of applying for this valuable ‘International UequalsU Day’ this week through all our social media channels, and lots of leaders of big organisations in the domain of HIV/AIDS and also U=U Organisations are delighted with the idea.

So me and Dado are promising to you all, that we will not rest till we complete the procedure of applying for and international day and that we would propose the resolution in the General Assembly and gather all the countries to get the assignment of the International UequalsU Day.

We keep you posted!

Positive greetings and we wish you all an happy UequalsU day,

Peter & Dado

#uequalsu #internationalUequalsUDay